Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spent A Week In A Dusty Library

I love libraries, even though reading anything non-Harry Potter pains me. This was taken on a recent college visit to Wells, and their library is PERFECT. Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card!
This past week was my school's spring break! Cue collapsing party balconies and hot tub diseases.  HAR HAR HAR, no. (Never google "spring break.") Kiddies, that is not my style. For me, spring break is the last break before finalsAPexamsregentsohmy! HA, like I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT NON-ART/ENGLISH RELATED CLASSES. No, no, my friends. This is how I spent my spring break, in no particular order:
HOOHOOHAHA LIKE THAT VIDEO WAS MY SPRING BREAK. I wish. No, no, this is just a favorite song of mine called "French Navy" by Camera Obscura. I've definitely been feeling the airy, sunny, run through the city in fabulously sixties dresses past every single flower shop that ever existed vibe lately. Plus, kissing. Ew. NOPE. This is how I really spent my spring break:

1) I went to see the Hunger Games

The wardrobe in that movie made me want to kill people. The way Suzanne Collins described Katniss' varying fire-related outfits was stupendous, in the book. Like, a simple black jumpsuit on fire. And a red dress on fire. And a yellow dress that looks like a candle or something. WOW. But NAW. It was like a bad cross between eighties Star Wars and Miss America.
  1. Why is this #1 here? What the hell is going on with this formatting?! ANYWAY...
    "My bejeweled arms will certainly remind everyone of my bangin' archery skills. As long as Peeta doesn't profess his love for me or anything. That would be badly timed, and would make me look weaker than this dress already does. Hey, I wonder where I can find a glass table to smash him into if he does. You know, prove my toughness. Because I'm always prepared, you guys."
    "WHOA you guys. When did I start looking like Princess Leia?!"
    "Yeah, when, you witch-with-a capital-B?!"
    Effie Trinket looked really scary, like she was 1,000 years old or something and just discovered Forever 21. Why did Cinna look like a Backstreet Boy? Why did Peeta's hair look so bad?

    "Everything is a dollar in here! And it's such good quality! No more Claire's for me!"
    Truer words have never been meme-ed.
    "My bad hair will certainly woo Katniss! Go me!"

    "Shhh, don't resist the fact that I am the best Backstreet Boy Ever."
     It was like a bad 2008 neon skinny jeans Jonas Brothers fashion moment. Like the days in 8th grade when how cool you were was measured by how many different colored pairs of skinny jeans you owned. ONE. And I still wear them when I'm too lazy to wear real pants.

    I love the Jonas Brothers. What was I talking about again? Oh yeah!


    2) I went to the Salvation Army in New Paltz, New York

    New Paltz is this great hippie town near where I live, and we went on a college visit there and then went shopping at the SalVal! I got a Hawaiian shirt for tying, two maxi-dresses for hot days, a pink cowboy shirt for tying, and OVERALLS. YAY! I have been looking for overalls forever! They're shorts, and I'm just dying to do a photoshoot with them soon! They match my wardrobe perfectly, and look adorable with pink and purple girliness! Whee! I'm pretty sure it's going to be really hot this coming week, so perfect!
    After that we went to this pizza place that was straight out of a teen-indie movie. They had pinball machines! I played Attack From Mars! How indie movie is THAT? They even had Miss Pac Man. I love New Paltz, but I think I would get bored doing such teen-indie things all the time in college. I have an intense need to be a tourist at Toys R Us in Times Square! I NEED to ride the ferris wheel in there again! MAN.

    3) I realized, with horror, that those without Windows 7 see my blog titles in COMIC SANS. 

    Oh dear god no. That's like every artist's nightmare. What I see is this awesome ice-cream parlor swirly lettering. I am sorry. Get Windows 7. It's nice!

    4) I prepared for my Junior Prom, which is this Friday!

    I thought about asking someone to prom, but how can anyone in high school dance as well as I? It's impossible! Plus, my glitter perfume (yes, I do own that) would outshine anyone I asked in a most unfair manner.
    I bought Katy Perry's (my idol, minus the divorcing Russel Brand part) false eyelashes, sparkly hairclips from Forever 21, practiced my entrance walk in my pink heels (I never wear heels. Or roller skates, for that matter), and sprayed glitter perfume all over my body. This week, my mom is going to twist my hair into a big curly girly afro, and I'm going to paint my nails blue. Now that I think of it, my description actually sounds like Effie Trinket. Ha! Don't worry, beauties, it'll be much more fabulous than that! I'm going to try and do a whole prom post soon, so don't fret! I even got contact lenses.

    5) We had an Easter egg hunt

    Even though it's just me and my twin sister participating, and we are 16, and I don't even like chocolate eggs, we do one every year! As we get older, we get increasingly violent. Plus, the hunt only lasts about 15 minutes, with Maia and I running around our house at full speed, threatening each other and running accidentally into walls. We also shove each other, and I usually fall, and on the way down I usually see another plastic egg, sometimes from the previous year. Except my mom accidentally bought tropical Starburst jelly beans, and they're not as good as the original kind, which is our house's Easter Specialty. We also dyed eggs, and my science-geek sister made Albert Einstein!
    He has a cotton ball for hair! So cute!

    6) I watched Bridesmaids with my sister

    I was surprised at how much heart the movie had, since it was a comedy! I love Maya Rudolph. The Irish cop guy was ADORABLE. Also, the story was really relatable. Every girl needs a friend like the crazy sister-in-law Megan. Everyone.

    7) I also did a bunch of pen&inks for my portfolio!

    I think they came out great, but I don't like posting pictures of my art online, for fear people will copy it or something. Guh. But I was inspired by 50's horror movies, CSI, Adventure Time, and FRUiTS magazine, so paint a mental picture.

    I also watched a lot of Zoey 101 and Degrassi. I want to go to PCA! *Sigh* I also ate a lot of ice cream. Strawberry by Edy's is DA BOMB. Well, three cheers to warm weather this week, plus prom! Enjoy the last vestages of spring break, and read the new 17 magazine with Chloe Mortez to be inspired for summer for the rest of the school year! I really must get out on that hammock...

    What, you want more library-childhood-esque songs to carry you into this delightful springtime? Oh, all right. "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane it is!

    Kisses and glitter, my friend!
    My pet unicorn is a beast.